
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Shopping haul of the week – Comprinhas desta semana

This week’s star piece is this black cape with leather accents. Very Saint Laurent, don’t you think? Found it on an outlet website.


A peça estrela desta lista é, sem dúvida, esta capa preta com debruado em napa; muito Saint Laurent, não acham? Encontrei-a num outlet online.

After returning the khaki bomber jacket from last week, I've found this khaki classic blazer to replace it; it’s made of crepe and fits me much better. I'm thinking of replacing the front button though.


Como acabei por devolver o blusão da semana passada, encontrei este blazer verde-tropa clássico para o substituir; é feito de crepe e tem um caimento bastante melhor. Estou é a pensar em substituir o botão.

Found these khaki shoes and had to take them (I wore them last Friday). I’m also returning last week’s wedge black&white shoes (they were too small), so I felt like I owed myself another pair instead ;) 

Encontrei estes sapatos verde-tropa e não lhes resisti (já os usei na última sexta-feira); como vou devolver os sapatos cunha pretos e brancos da semana passada, o saldo total de sapatos manteve-se ;).

Leopard print pants: I was coveting these for a long time, found this pair on sale and thought they’d be a perfect “basic” for fall as well. 

Calças estampadas leopardo: já andava a pensar numas calças assim há algum tempo; encontrei estas nos saldos e creio que se tornarão num bom “básico” para o Outono também.

Black leather top (real leather): found this on an outlet website as well. I can’t get enough of leather. 

Top preto de couro (verdadeiro): também em outlet; não me consigo fartar de peças em couro.

Two striped tops also from the outlet; love the colors of the lighter one and the blue one has this see-through striped effect that I find very interesting and trendy. 

Dois tops às riscas, também do outlet, bem baratinhos. Gosto muito da combinação de cores do claro e o azul tem um jogo de transparências que acho muito interessante e moderno.


  1. Great haul Tany. Swooning over the leo pants. Where the heck do you always found those goodies? I really should shop online, if only I knew where to shop :/ The cape is breathtaking Tany. The heels are gorgeous.

    1. Thank you Lenya! Only the outlet items were bought online,... All the other were bought at a physical store ;). I was lucky to get the leo pants, they were almost sold out when I found them,... The cape was a catch, it won't stay available for long ;).
      Many hugs to you, my friend!

  2. I want that cape Tany!!! I've been looking for it for ages! Any chance you could share where you got it?
    I wish you a lovely start into the new week
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

    1. I've already sent you an email providing the source of the cape, Coco! Hope it's available in your country! Kisses!

  3. I love your purchases, the first one is wonderful :)
    I wish you a wonderful week ahead!


  4. Wow you found that cape on an outlet website??? It looks super expensive and so gorgeous!!! I also love the heels and the leather top! Great haul!

    X Diana

    1. Thank you Diana! The cape is even better in real life! xoxo

  5. We need to live closer to each other so we can share shoes ;) You find the best shoes!!!!!

    1. LOL, thank you Rhonda! I do have a fall for shoes ;)

  6. I was just about to ask you about the polka dot, lol, yeah great minds think alike ;) Glad it's a keeper. I am on the look out for a polka dot but black or blue but with a bow, or some ruffles, any idea? About the shoes, I haven't seen them here, but then I don't look out much for shoes at this shop because most of the time they don't fit, I am always in between sizes with this one, though. Normally I wear size 5, but their size 5 are too small and size 6 is way tooooooo big, see what I mean :( But I bought some heels last Saturday, gorgeous Tany just gorgeous and it was a steal, 70% off, is that cool or what ;) I also bought a pair of silvery booties, but still not sure if I'll keep them, Simon says it would be stupid not to keep those boots, it was another steal you see, but the left one pinches a little bit, though. About black purses, well I am still angry with myself for not getting that Guess bag until it was sold out. Everywhere! Waaahaaa. Well some lessons I have to learn the hard way :/ Next time I want something I buy it and don't wait until it's too late. Well I will check out your shop online, maybe I find the one I am looking for. I'll remind you don't you worry ;)
    OK honey pie that's for now, gotta go.

    1. Hey Lenya, yes, I'm keeping the blouse! I'm planning a polka-dot all over outfit pairing it with my black palazzo pants :). I've already reply about the black polka dot blouse on your blog, hope you'll find it... I'm sorry the outlet one is sold out in your size, that one is a beauty, isn't it? I also carry a few regrets along the way,... Mostly when I come home without my "prize" because I need to give it some more thought over night; and when I come back rushing to grab it, my size is gone or something like that :((((. That's whhy these days I tend to buy first and think later, I can always return it the next day. Hugs and kisses to you, honey!


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