
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Citrus flavored - Com sabor a citrinos

It has been a long time since the last time I wore this jacket (click here), and I can’t explain why because it’s so gorgeous and fashionable. I’m forced to admit that I own too many clothes and perhaps that fact is preventing me from taking full advantage of my wardrobe. Discovering new combinations with what you already have is certainly fun and rewarding and sometimes that “new thing” you “have to own” “right now” or “it will be sold out in the next hour or two” is not such a big deal, you’ll get tired of it within two or three weeks; or even worth, you’ll wear it one single time getting that little spike of adrenaline that gets you so high and then forget that you have it and end up buying a similar one that you don’t really need a few months later (this doesn't really happen to me because I have a filing system, lol). Summing it up, I come to realize the inevitably truth, which is I own too many clothes! And not just clothes, I own too many shoes, and bags and all the other stuff that husbands complain about that we tend to accumulate in our closets. Plus, I own far too many yards of fabric, hoping to be able to turn it all into gorgeous garments which will live in my closet forever and ever (I grow deeply attached to the clothes I make, I’ll keep then even if I don’t wear them anymore; sometimes I donate some to my closest friends, if the clothes are in pristine condition and I’m certain that they will love it very, very much). I’ve been resisting the idea of selling some of my stuff but it will come the time when is either that or buying some extra storage place somewhere. 

You all have a wonderful day and thanks for reading! 
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Já passou demasiado tempo desde a última vez que usei esta jaqueta (clicar aqui)e não consigo explicar porquê, é tão linda e muito na moda. Sou forçada a admitir que por ter tanta roupa, não consigo tirar proveito total do que tenho. Parte da piada é descobrir novas combinações com o que se tem e às vezes aquela “coisa nova” que “têm de ter já” porque “senão estará esgotada passado uma hora ou duas” não é assim tão importante, cansar-se-ão dela passada uma ou duas semanas ou, pior do que isso, usam-na aquela primeira completamente inebriadas com a vossa peça nova e depois esquecem-se que a têm, acabando por comprar outra parecida mais tarde sem realmente ser preciso (atenção que isto não me costuma acontecer a mim, tenho um sistema de arquivo, haha!). Resumindo, isto tudo para assumir a inevitável verdade, que é a que tenho demasiada roupa! E não é só roupa, é sapatos carteiras, toda aquela “tralha” que os maridos se queixam que as mulheres tendem a acumular nos seus armários. Como se não bastasse, tenho também demasiados tecidos, que compro na esperança de um dia ter tempo de transformar em roupas maravilhosas que viverão eternamente no meu guarda-roupa (fico muito apegada às roupas feitas por mim, são para sempre, não me desfaço delas; quanto muito dou algumas a amigas chegadas, desde que estejam em perfeitas condições e eu tenha a certeza que elas as estimarão muito). Tenho resistido à ideia de vender algumas das minhas roupas, mas tá a chegar o ponto em que ou faço isso ou tenho de alugar um espaço de armazenamento algures.

Tenham um ótimo dia e obrigada por “me ouvirem”!
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(all pics by me)
(todas as fotos tiradas por mim)


  1. I love the top you're wearing and those shoes!!!!!! Oh my goodness, if I ever come your way, beware, I'll have an empty suitcase along ;)

    1. Thank you Rhonda! I thing the top is very SS13 Louis Vuitton, don't you think? Kisses

  2. Olá Tany!
    Adoro essa jaqueta, tem um amarelo lindo!!!! Bom conjunto!
    Beijos de Lisboa

  3. I adore this uber stylish put together look! It's bright, chic and simply cool.

    x Diana

  4. That's a tough conundrum I think most women go through. You look beautiful today!

  5. Pois eu mesmo querendo não tenho tanto espaço..... falando do conjunto adoro o teu top! Espetacular! O coniunto no total é lindo!

    1. Obrigada Mónica! O top foi bem barato, comprado online :)

  6. Tany you look gorgeous as always. Love this combination of destructed jeans paired with the jacket and that amazing top! Stunning and so so chic! I am sorry for not commenting more often but I am still working at restoring my blog. To loose everything is well it's horrible. I just finished April yesterday and still have to restore more month. Post by post, photo by photo. It's a nightmare. Anyway darling I totally disagree with you here, one (reads me ;) can never have too much of a good thing. Well the running out of space thingy is a bit of a problem I give you that, but well, somehow I always manage to fit the new stuff in ;)
    kisses darling

    1. Thank you so much darling, hand in there. Hope you've found out why the photo issue happened so you can prevent any similar future problems,...
      I meant having too much clothes for the available storing space, lol! Either I get more space or I have to reduce my "stock" ;).
      Kisses and hugs,


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