
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Self-made green coat on a rainy day – Casaco verde feito por mim, num dia de chuva

Hello guys, hope you all are doing fine. On my side, I've been very tired (as you can see on the last photo) and not sleeping nearly enough. I don't know if it's the weather (it has been really hot and humid with lots of thunderstorms and showers) but I've been getting migraines which deeply affect my daily mood. Yesterday and the day before I didn't feel like taking outfit photos but today I'm wearing a coat that I've made a few years ago and I’m always thrilled when having something self-made to show you guys (click here for the coat's sewing review, if you're interested). I'm wearing my coat with a bodycon neoprene dress and patent leather boots with bare legs (which is something we can do with this weather). Seeing the photos I feel that I could have done better adding a belt to enhance the waist, but well, I always dress up in a hurry on Wednesdays (I have early appointments scheduled every Wednesday). Hope you guys are having a wonderful day, thanks for dropping by! 
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Oi pessoal, espero que estejam bem. Da minha parte tenho estado bastante cansada (como podem ver na última foto sem os óculos) e sem conseguir dormir o suficiente. Não sei se é a mudança do tempo (tem estado quente e húmido com aguaceiros frequentes e trovoada), mas tenho tido enxaquecas frequentes, o que afeta bastante a minha disposição. Ontem e antes-de-ontem não me apeteceu tirar fotos mas hoje estou a usar um casaco verde feito por mim, e fico sempre animada quando tenho para vos mostrar roupas da minha autoria (podem clicar aqui para o artigo sobre a costura do casaco, se tiverem interessados). Estou a usar o meu casaco com um vestido travado de neopreno e botas de pele envernizada de cano alto (sem collants, o que é algo que podemos fazer com este tempo). Ao ver as fotos, acho que o conjunto iria beneficiar de um cinto para evidenciar a cintura, mas pronto,… Quarta-feira é um dia em que me arranjo sempre à pressa por ter uma audioconferência marcada para bastante cedo. Espero que estejam todos a ter um ótimo dia e obrigada por aparecerem!
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(all photos by me)
(todas as fotos tiradas por mim)


  1. This jacket is so cool, you are incredibly talented Tany! I love the detail of the short sleeves! Sorry for not stopping by earlier my dear and thank you for your support!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  2. very cool look

  3. Hello Tany hope you will rest well this night, your outfit I like it very much, I found it chic and edgy. Great floral print touch.
    regards xoxo

  4. I love it when you include self made pieces in your outfits. I adore the boots! Changes in the barometric pressure due to storms is a trigger for migraines. I don't get them anymore but my husband suffers from headaches/migraines. Some triggers you can control, but storms we can't. Wishing you better days.

    1. Thank you so much Lisette. I guess the thunderstorms made it worse. I found out I had a decayed wisdom tooth (which was extracted last week) and I think that was probably the main cause for my headaches. We'll see how this week goes (I've been on painkillers because of the extraction but I stopped taking them yesterday and the headaches seem to be gone for now,...)

  5. Love your coat Tany it's the most gorgeous green, teal or turquoise. The boots are FAB too. Have you tried Melatonin to help with sleep? Just a suggestion.

    1. Thank you Faye, I will look it up (I'm feeling much better now, but we never know when I'll need it). Hugs,

  6. Love the coat! Hope you are feeling better soon and getting enough sleep.

    1. Thank you Vicki, I'm feeling alright now, but last week was a tough one on me... Hugs

  7. Gorgeous look! I love the color combo! That green is perfect on you! Adorable pics!
    Instagram Facebook

  8. Adoro o casaco, mas também gosto muito das botas


  9. Tany darling so sorry to hear you're not feeling well ((((T))))) hope you are feeling better already. The coat is divine honey, you are so so smart. Love the shorter sleeves, it adds a interesting touch to it.
    Get better soon darling.

    1. Thank you darling, I think I'm alright now but I've had a rough time last week... Hugs and kisses,

  10. Adoro o casaco. Podias pensar em lhe colocar um cinto para marcar a cintura.


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