
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sale buys (thinking ahead) – Compras nos saldos (pensando já no outono)

Hey guys, my camera’s remote is out of battery so I thought I could focus on something other than outfit photos today: I’m always on the hunt for good discounts and when sale season starts I like to think ahead and start rounding up pieces that I know I can wear during next season; this is the best time of the year to check out the outlet websites and start buying their newly listed fall items before they sold out (items from last fall collections that get re-listed now), mainly those which I loved last fall but didn't buy at the time because they were either too pricey (talking about the quality/price rate my concept of a “fair price”), not a priority at the time or were sold out before I had the chance of buying them. There are also some items on sale from the current collections that are perfectly wearable next season. Here’s a roundup of my recent purchases, most of them in black (be aware that I don’t give away the source of my purchases on the blog; if you’re interested in knowing where I bought any of these items, feel free to contact me via email or leave your email in the comment section so I can reply to your questions as soon as I can). 
Olá pessoal, a pilha do controlo remoto da minha máquina fotográfica “morreu”, por isso pensei em variar um pouco das fotos do que uso diariamente e falar de um outro assunto: ando sempre atenta a bons descontos e quando começa a época dos saldos, mais do que os itens desta estação interessam-me as coleções de outono que começam a ser apresentadas nos websites/lojas outlet (roupas e acessórios do outono passado que são vendidos em outlet com excelentes descontos). Gosto especialmente de “caçar” peças pelas quais me interessei no último outono mas acabei por não comprar, ora porque achei que estavam caras (de acordo com a minha noção pessoal da razão qualidade/preço), porque na altura tive outras prioridades ou ainda porque as peças esgotaram antes de ter a oportunidade de as comprar. Há também artigos em saldo que pelas suas características também podem ser usados no outono. Têm aqui um apanhado das peças que comprei recentemente dentro deste espírito, quase todas em preto (porque sim, haha). Tenham em mente que por princípio não menciono a fonte/marca das peças, mas podem sempre contactar-me por email ou deixar a vossa questão nos comentários com um email para enviar a resposta.

These were sold out before I got the chance of buying them last fall; they are on their way to me for a fraction of their original price;
Estes botins esgotaram antes de eu ter tido a oportunidade de os comprar; já estão a caminho e a uma fração do seu preço inicial;

I already own the beige version of this vest; it has an interesting feature: the back is made of jersey knit which makes it ideal for layering under jackets and coats (it doesn't add bulk on the back).
Já tenho a versão bege deste colete; tem uma característica muito interessante, as costas são de malha, o que o torna ideal para ser usado sob casacos e jaquetas (não adiciona volume nas costas).
Just because a girl can never own too many leather look leggings; these make a good basic for fall and the price was irresistible.
Só porque uma raparinga nunca tem demasiadas leggings de imitação de pele; são um básico indispensável para o outono e estavam a um preço muito simpático.
Another wardrobe basic, the LBD; this one is made of some kind of structured knit, similar to neoprene. It can be worn during summer but also in fall, layered over a thin turtleneck.
Outro básico indispensável em qualquer estação: um vestido justo preto (Little Black Dress); este é feito de uma malha muito estruturada, lembra o neopreno.
This skirt matches a top that I already own featuring metallic zipper piping; the design is so flattering that I couldn't leave it behind.
Esta saia faz conjunto com um top que tenho, também adornado com fechos metálicos; o feitio dela é tão favorecedor que não a podia deixar para trás.
I know I don't "need" another lace pencil skirt, but I love the colors of this one for fall (red and purple!) and recently bought two coordinating fabrics in these two colors planning on making a coat or jacket out of it.
Sei que não preciso de mais uma saia travada de renda, mas adoro as cores desta para o outono (púrpura e vermelho) e até já tinha comprado dois tecidos coordenados nestas cores a pensar em fazer um casaco para o outono.
I was drawn to the fabric of this dress, some kind of netted neoprene; this dress can be worn in summer but it can also function as a transitional wardrobe element under a knit cardi or a cropped jacket.
Fui atraida pelo tecido deste vestido, uma espécie de neopreno com acabamento em rede; pode ser usado no verão, mas também funcionará bem como peça de transição para o outono, usado sob um casaquinho de malha ou blazer curto.


And that's it for now! Let me know what you think of this kind of post and if you like any of these items! Thank you all for reading!
E é tudo por agora! Digam-me o que pensam deste tipo de artigos e se gostam de alguma destas peças! Muito obrigada por aparecerem por cá!


  1. I love everything you bought Tany. Who said you don't need another lace pencil skirt? Of course you do ;-) You know how to shop darling, that's for sure. I have to dash Tany, so just let me say, great stuff and I would love to read more about it, means keep them coming Tany! Oh and I meant what I said in my last comment, honey you do have far more stuff than I have so please tell me how to get more room out of everything. Anyway gotta run
    kisses darling

    1. Hello my fashion soul mate!!! I just knew you'd love this type of post! As I said, out of principle I don't like to offer "free publicity" to the brands, so it's kind of weird, I know... Maybe someday I'll think of monetizing this blog and get into some kind of affiliation program, who knows,... I've been reading about the subject, trying to find out more about it.
      I really don't have any special tips,... What I do (because I really need to!) is regular closet clean-ups where I put aside items from other seasons and stuff I don't wear anymore. I also like order garments by type and color. Ahhh, and I may sound crazy but I keep a record of everything I buy or make; I record every time I wear a garment/accessory so I know the "value per wear" of my stuff, lol!
      Many hugs to you, honey!

  2. I enjoyred this post and love everything you got. Could you let me know where I can look for the dresses and thr fur vest? Thank you! Lmalbanoathotmaildotcom

    1. Thank you Lisette, I've already sent you an email with the information you asked!

  3. Luv luv luv. Thought for those of us thinking "I want that too", we would love to know where you got them from, which I could understand you being reluctant to reveal :)

    1. Thanks G.! I'm only reluctant to offer free Internet publicity to brands that don't offer me anything in return :))) I don't mind sharing the source of all my purchases, but I prefer doing it privately ;)

  4. I love everything you got
    Very beautiful, you gonna look like a million dollar chic :)
    Amazing taste darling


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Obrigada por partilharem o que pensam!