
Monday, July 28, 2014

Poppies in my backyard - Papoilas no meu quintal

Hi guys, today I’m wearing another casual vacation look featuring these poppy print shorts and a red top. In the morning the weather was very cloudy and humid but as you can see it improved a lot in the afternoon. I wore this outfit to go to Oudinot garden, near the harbor, for a walk; it was the perfect setting for shooting some good photos for the blog, but taking care of a toddler is not always compatible with posing for photos; Henrique had a major tantrum because we didn't let him hop over to the wedge by the water canals (too dangerous!) and we had hard time calming him down, so no photos :(. I ended up taking these few photos at home during his napping time instead. By the end of the afternoon we all had a great time at the beach (no tantrums this time). Have a great day everybody and thank you so much for visiting! 
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Olá pessoal, hoje venho mostrar-vos outro look de férias bastante casual, onde combino estes calções estampados com papoilas e um top vermelho. Durante a manhã o tempo esteve bastante nublado e húmido, mas como podem ver, melhorou bastante à tarde. Usei este conjunto para ir dar um passeio no Jardim Oudinot, perto do Porto comercial, para um passeio. Era um local perfeito para tirar fotos, mas posar para fotos não é uma atividade sempre compatível com cuidar de uma criança: o Henrique fez uma birra tremenda porque não o deixámos subir para o parapeito do canal e passámos a maior parte do tempo a tentar acalmá-lo… Tirei então as fotos em casa, enquanto ele dormia a sesta da tarde. Depois fomos uma horinha à praia e desta vez toda a gente se divertiu (não houve birras). Tenham todos um ótimo dia, muito obrigada por aparecerem!
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(all pics by me)
(todas as fotos tiradas por mim)


  1. Wonderful look...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. Thank you Nessa! I'll check out your blog! Hugs

  2. Tany you look gorgeous. Sorry not much time, just wanted to let you know I've read it, will answer and comment here either tonite or tomorrow.

    1. Thank you Lenya!! Hugs to you, darling! {{{HUGS}}}

  3. Ai o que eu já namorei esses calções......

    Taras e Manias

    1. Obrigada Sónia! Foram uma boa compra :)

  4. Lovely outfit, I love the colors ;)

  5. Ethinic print shorts? yellow/black print? if so, it's the one I was talking about to you the other day, remember? The one I did not buy and was regretting it afterwards, lol. Too much of a good thing is just about right.....or something like that the great May West said once. And right she was! I kept the lace skirt I bought last Friday because of Simon. When he picked me up he wanted to know what I've bought, I told him, said that I will return the lace skirt he asked why? it would be the perfect skirt to wear to dinner tonite, so he convinced me, see ;) as if I needed that, hahaha. And here we are right at the point......have you talked to him about it? how you feel about it, that it makes you feel bad and depressed? It's a big part of you, I don't mean time-wise but you told me that you make your own clothes since you were twelve, it has become part of your personality, you know darling I am not good explaining things, so I hope it makes any sense at all to you what I am trying to say is, when he dated you way back, he know that it's your passion (not just a hobby) that it is part of you it makes you the woman you are. If you can't let your creativity flow you would die like a flower without rain. And the blog is part of it, not just the sewing blog but also the outfit one too, you get inspiration, information, all kind of things, it keeps you connected it helps you to improve, to develop new ideas. Say did you make the top? The one in this outfit, it's gorgeous. OK finished my coffee, gotta go. Think about it Tany.

    1. Thank you so much my dear friend, you understand me perfectly well :). I'm smiling here because I get "convinced" the same way, LOL!
      Yes, we've talked and I think he understands my point; I think sometimes he's just not feeling well and picks on me,... He has always been a little possessive and sometimes selfish so it goes both ways: I also knew him like this and accepted him this way. Anyway, things are good now, life goes on.
      Yes, the blog means all that to me; it's my window to the world and similar minded women like yourself. If there's something that keeps me sane, is the blog.
      Big hugs to you, my friend!

  6. Totally love your short!! It looks you had a beautiful day and sunny weather, hope you enjoyed the beach time. In this summer we will go to a vacation to Croatia or Slovenia in August, I'm waiting for that week...Unfortunately my husband is working a lot, so I hope he will be free for a week ......Have a nice week! xx Eszter

    1. Thank you Eszter! I've been in Croatia and Slovenia once; Croatia has beautiful sea coast, I loved it! Also enjoyed visiting Slovenia but it was a shorter visit. Hugs

  7. Adoro o conjunto em especial o top! Pois os meus fotos só se forem deles!




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