
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Baby blue lace top and skirt – Top e saia de renda azul bebé

Today I'm wearing a baby blue lace skirt and top clearly inspired by the Burberry Prorsum Spring 2014 RTW collection (click here). The wind has ruined most of my photos and these are the few ones where you can see me without my hair covering most of my face, lol! Hope you guys are having a good time, thank you all for the lovely comments! 
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Hoje estou a usar um conjunto de renda azul-bebé claramente inspirado na coleção de pronto-a-vestir Burberry Prorsum para a primavera de 2014 (clicar aqui). Apesar de estar bastante calor havia bastante vento o que dificultou a tarefa de tirar fotos, ainda mais com pressa. Estas fotos são das poucas em que não apareço com o cabelo a esvoaçar à frente da cara, haha! Espero que estejam onde estiverem se divirtam, e aproveito também para agradecer os vossos simpáticos comentários!
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(all pics by me)
(todas as fotos tiradas por mim)


  1. Again honey I love everything, the combo is fantastic and you look breathtaking, Tany. This soft blue looks gorgeous on you. The golden heels are fabulous. Hahaha about the storage problem. Same here. I am running out of space, lol. I am eager to see all the items you bought. Sounds exciting. Let see, I only bought three lace skirts, if I remember right, none featured so far, gee! Tany we really have too many clothes, lol. Nah not really, one can never have too much of a good thing right ;-) Do you know what I really would like? Wouldn't it be nice if the two of us could spend a day shopping together. I would loooooove it.
    Honey that's for now.

    1. Thanks Lenya!!! I agree, one can never have too much of a good thing :)))). We just need a bigger place to live, lol!!! My house has three big closets, all of them over crowded,... I can imagine the two of us raiding the stores, LOL!!! It would be a very fun day!!!!
      Many hugs to you, honey!!

  2. Hello my super gorgeous,
    what a sexy figure hugging ensemble, it beautifully shows off your wonderful feminine curves, LOVE IT! Tany, don't know why, but again my comment on your previous post didn't come through (, I absolutely loved your sunkissed outfit, the crochet top is just beautiful and the overall outfit is just super duper cool! Hope this comment will go through. Wish you great weekend ahead my love!!!!! Love love love!!! <333333333333333333333

    1. Hello my darling, thank you again for your cheerful comment and lovely words! You always brighten up my day, my friend!
      Now I'm really worried that many comments may have been blocked without my knowledge; I've changed the settings so comment moderation is only active on older posts and added the word verification instead, hope this helps. At least my readers will be able to see that their comments were indeed published.
      Thank you again, and also for your thoughtful note on the comments not getting through,... Most people wouldn't come back to check it :)
      Many hugs and kisses to you my dearest friend! <3333333333333333

    2. Tany sweetie it is my pleasure! I am very happy to know that I somehow contribute to your state of happiness my darling ))
      You know what I noticed that that comment doesn't go through which when I press PUBLISH doesn't come up with "YOUR COMMENT WILL BE VISIBLE AFTER APPROVAL" sign afterwards, when I don't get to see this note, that's it, my comment IS GONE (trying to pronounce it with some Irish accent :)) I think just in case next time I will copy and paste my comment and publish again, it is just something that probably doesn't depend on the adjustments that you made.
      Anyway, my friend, tell me how is little cutie Henrique? Is he doing any naughty staff )) ? BTW, Tany, Is it very hot in Portugal now? Do you guys go to the beach for a swim? Hope Henrique is not scared of water and loves it by the sea )

    3. Darling, me again, I have just seen the adjustments that you applied on the comment part, it looks and works very cool! Love <3333

    4. Zhanna, hope this will prevent comments from being lost,... I'm not a fan of word verification myself, but leaving the blog without any spam prevention is not an option. Many hugs to you, honey, and thank you so much for coming back and letting me know about this problem! <333333333333

  3. Hello gorgeous! this is a great post!! i really love your crop top and your skirt colour, but your sandals are the best! gold is so chic and classy!!! kisses xxx

  4. A two-piece in placid blue Tany, how trendy! You are in amazing shape and rock it awesomely my dear!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  5. Lindo o conjunto. Só acho que a saia ficaria melhor com o forro inteiro. Mas não foi você que o fez...

    1. Obrigada Míriam! Pois é, mas sempre é melhor que as da Burberry, que apesar de custarem centenas de euros não têm forro! Pessoalmente acho engraçado o jogo de transparências na renda, gostei do pormenor das costas do top não serem forradas... O "meio-forro" é também um detalhe que se tem visto bastante no "streetwear". Beijos para vc, Amiga!


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