
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Mother’s Day outfit (self-made top)! – Mãe Coruja (top feito por mim)!

Happy Mother’s Day to all! Today it’s a lovely day, the sun is shining and the temperatures are high, it feels like a summer day. We went to Vagueira beach (I used to live there before moving to our current home) to introduce Henrique to the ocean! 
I’m wearing a sheer owl printed top that I’ve made recently (click here for the sewing review, if you’re interested), leather shorts and ballerina flats. 
Hope you’re enjoying your day wherever you are, big hugs to all the Mothers out there! 
Feliz Dia da Mãe para todos! Hoje está um dia fantástico com o sol a brilhar e as temperaturas já a fazer lembrar o Verão, então fomos passear à Praia da Vagueira (vivi lá alguns anos antes de me mudar para a nossa casa atual), e apresentar o Henrique ao oceano! 
Estou a usar um top estampado com corujas que fiz recentemente (podem clicar aqui para lerem o artigo sobre a confeção, se estiverem interessados), calções de cabedal e sabrinas.
Espero que estejam a disfrutar deste dia, onde quer que estejam! Um grande abraço para todas as Mães!


  1. Beautiful place! Happy Mother's day to you, dear! Love the photos, and your blouse is so perfect! Love the little prints.
    One of my friend traveled to Portugal on Friday with her boyfriend to a surf school. The ocean is so wonderful, but I'm afraid of that, so that is sure that I couldn't try surfing.

    Have a great day!! Love, Eszter

    1. Thank you Eszter! I've never tried surfing, it looks too dangerous to me, but I have several friends who surf. I like watching them surf, it's very relaxing!
      Many hugs!

  2. Adorable family, love your blouse!

  3. Happy Mother's Day darling, here we will celebrate next week! You did a great job with that blouse, brilliant! I'm more and more happy to be blog buddy with a talented stylish sweet lady like you. Hug!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

    1. Thank you so much darling!! I'm so glad to have met you too! Kisses!

  4. Happy Mother day to you Tany. Next Sunday we will celebrate the day. Gorgeous pics, thx for sharing. Lucky you with temps so high, here the temps have dropped again. Love the blouse, so delicate. You look beautiful. Your son is adorable, he looks so cute.

    1. Thank you Lenya dear! The good weather didn't last, unfortunately... But the will to try on breezy clothes is still there! Many hugs my friend!

  5. What lovely photos Tany. Happy mothers day, youcertainly had a beautiful spot to celebrate that.

    1. Thank you so much Sigrid! Hugs all the way from Portugal!

  6. Olá Tany, Miguel e Henrique.
    As fotos estão lindas!!!
    Desculpe Tany hoje é o seu dia(Mamã), mas este comentário é sobre o "nosso" menino.
    Estou todos os dias com o Henrique e só nestas fotos é que reparei que ele está eeeennnnnnnnnnoooooorrrrme!!!!!!!!!!
    Isabel Fernandes

    1. Olá Isabel! Sim, ele está enorme, nas fotos é que se vê bem... Mas continua muito birrento, detesta ser contrariado... Fez uma birra porque não queria vir embora (queria is sozinho pelo paredão fora!)
      Beijinhos Isabel!!

  7. Happy Mothers' Day my darling!!!!
    This holiday is celebrated on the 30th March here in Ireland, to be honest I was thinking that Mothers day takes place on the same day internationally, looks like I wasn't right :)
    What a gorgeous weather, place and PEOPLE came together on this beautiful day! You guys make a beautiful family and little Henrique is absolutely adorable, Tany, things that I have learned about you since we 'met' prompt me that you are a wonderful mother to your precious baby, wish you all the best my love!
    You look super duper hot in those leather shorts, and the blouse is very beautiful, nice contrast in textures, love it! Hope you guys had a great day out together, the beach is just breath taking, pure paradise and this is where I would love to escape right now, away from ......bla bla bla.... you know what I mean :)))
    Lots of love to my dear Tany from your very good friend <3333333333333 xoxo

    1. Hello my darling, it's always a big pleasure hearing from you! Yes, I was under the same assumption that Mother's day would be celebrated on the same day worldwide, but it seems that is not accurate...
      I do my best to be a good mother, Henrique gets first on everything... He is very strong willed now, he hates when we try to impost our will over his and always makes a big scene when this happens. This day at the beach we wanted to walk by his own but it was too dangerous because of the rocks.
      Thank you for always supporting me Zhanna, you're a true friend to me!
      Many kisses and hugs, lots of love <33333333333

  8. Olá querida, que família linda, seu bebê tá lindo.... parabéns, Feliz dia das mães pra vc. Aqui no Brasil é segundo domingo de Maio.
    Quando meu bebê nasceu eu troquei minha profissão pra ser mãe, não me arrependo é uma dádiva de Deus. Quando vc disse q estava grávida eu me lembrei de mim. Meu filho nasceu e eu estava com quase quarenta.
    Voltando as fotos vc está cada vez mais linda, realmente a maternidade faz bem, quando diziam isso pra mim eu não acreditava. Beijos

    1. Obrigada Scoranda! Pensei que o Dia da Mãe fosse igual em todo o mundo mas pelos vistos não é assim... Ter tantos amigos no estrangeiro é bastante instrutivo, sempre se aprende algo novo!
      Sinto-me muito bem depois da gravidez, foi como se o meu corpo e mente tivessem resetado... Tenho agora mais ansia e alegria de viver por causa do meu filho.
      Um abraço muito grande para você!

  9. Dying over those flats! So stunning. Lovely photos! Your little boy is adorable... So glad I found your blog!

    xo, Bekka
    Palm and Peachtree, A Fashion and Lifestyle Blog
    Instagram | Facebook | Bloglovin

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind words Rebekka! Many hugs!

  10. You baby is soo adorable!! And i absolutely love your blouse!!!! <3 <3 You look gorgeous!!! :D Happy mommy day!!!

  11. Happy mothers day! You had a beautiful day for it.

    1. Thank you Vicki, and yes we did! In the meanwhile the weather has changed, but on Mother's Day it felt just like summer!

  12. Super cute look Tany! Your little boy is adorable!

    Happy Mothers Day Honey!

    x d

  13. Se os dias continuarem assim é de passarem uns fds lá na tua casa da praia!
    Gosto muito do conjunto, prático. O Top ficou super bem!



    1. Pois é, mas foi sol de pouca dura,... No entanto prevê-se que no próximo fim-de-semana fique outra vez bom tempo! Beijinhos e obrigada!


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