
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pink, asparagus green and white (self-made shirt) – Rosa, verde-seco e branco (camisa feita por mim)

Hello my lovelies, how are you today? Today’s outfits features a color combo that I’m most fond of and I’m happy that I can showcase this pink shirt with lovely sleeve detailing that I’ve made some years ago (click here for the sewing details article on my sewing blog). I’m wearing an old white leather jacket (it’s at least fifteen years old!), my self-made pink shirt and printed asparagus green jeans (purchased on sale a couple of months ago). The shoes are the exact same model as the orange shoes worn yesterday; they are very comfortable in spite of the heel height so I got them in orange and pink. Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for visiting and for your lovely comments! 
Olá meus queridos, como estão hoje? O conjunto de hoje consiste numa combinação de cores que sempre me agradou e além disso contém uma peça feita por mim há alguns anos, esta linda camisa rosa com detalhe franzido na nas mangas (cliquem aqui para os detalhes de costura no meu outro blogue). Além da camisa estou a usar um blusão de couro branco bastante antigo (tem pelo menos 15 anos!), e uns jeans estampados em verde-seco comprados nos últimos saldos. Os sapatos são iguais aos laranja que calcei ontem; são muito confortáveis apesar da altura dos saltos, por isso trouxe comigo dois pares, em laranja e rosa. Tenham um ótimo dia e muito obrigada por visitarem e pelos vossos simpáticos comentários!


  1. Sempre linda Tany, te acompanho a anos, do outro lado do Atlântico... e vc ficou mais poderosa depois da maternidade, me conte o segredo ...
    Elisete (Brasil)

    1. Muito obrigada Elisete! Na gravidez engordei 18Kg. A verdade é que mal deixei de amamentar (durante a amamentação perdi uns 8Kg) tomei nas minhas mãos regressar à minha forma inicial ou até melhorá-la. Fiz um regime com restrição controlada de carbohidratos e também exercício dia sim, dia não. A minha rotina de exercicios foi sempre na base de força (com Kettlebells) intervalada com treino cardiovascular (por exemplo, entre cada 5 exercicios diferentes com os pesos, eu saltava à corda por dois minutos). Cada sessão demorava pouco mais de 30 minutos e posso dizer que em 3-4 meses perdi 10Kg sem passar fome nem fazer sacrificios, além do tempo dispendido nos exercicos, claro!
      Beijos e obrigada!

  2. Que look lindo e perfeito para a Primavera.
    Adoro a camisa rosa, fizeste um excelente trabalho!
    Boa semana querida.

    Beijinho grande,
    Vanessa Ribeiro

  3. Lovely look. The shoes are very nice! I like the way you mix it. I invite you to visit my blog, NEW POST


  4. HI Tany, I am so impressed by the detailing on the sleeves, that takes immense skill to do. Your shirt looks boutique bought, thats how good your seeing is. Love this pink hue and what a great combination with these chic printed pants. You are always so refined and well styled. Thanks for your kind visit!

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, dear Sam!

  5. arraaaaaaaaasou! adorei o look!
    Beijos ♥

  6. Hello, my gorgeous Tany! I am later than usual sweetie, we have been away all day as the weather was super nice and warm. I hope you had a great day, by the way how is Henrique feeling, I hope he is fine <3

    Sweetie, you look gorgeous, I love the color of your pants, even though they are different in colors with your beautiful blouse, but they do look great together as they are in the same shade range, I mean pastels, if I am right. You know I heard one fashion guru saying, if you happen to see the shoes you like and if they fit your perfectly, you should buy two pairs, so you did the right thing I guess, the colors are great! I had a very close look at your DIY blouse, I am again amazed by your immaculate work and professional skills, the gathering details on the sleeves look very pretty! You are a sewing star, a styling star, a woman of many talents as I said previously :)! Tany love, you look stunning!

    I have just read your comment, I don't believe the magazine horoscopes either, I think they are total rubbish :) I also strongly believe in numerology, never went wrong for me, just once when predicted that I will have a daughter too :)

    Tany, I can imagine that it has been stressful recently for you, I hope, my dear friend, you will have good rest during next week and come back full of energy. We are also having some issues here, life can't be otherwise :) love your darling, kisses and big big hugs from a very good friend of yours <3333333333333 xoxoxoxo


    1. Thank you so much my dear friend, I'm so glad you liked my shirt! I wore it today because I had told you that I had never made a white shirt, buy I did make a few colored shirts and this is my favorite of them all.
      Henrique is perfectly fine but we did have a "fight" because he didn't eat all his dinner (skipped the main course after the soup) and because of that I didn't give him his favorite dessert (strawberry jelly). He's a very stubborn one, my son... But I can be ruthless too and he has to learn the consequences of misbehaving (spitting out food is unacceptable).
      My younger sister is a strong believer in numerology too and she took several readings that went completely right on spot.
      Hope everything sorts out for you darling, keep strong!
      Many hugs and kisses from your Portuguese friend!

  7. Hi, sweetie, me again, I am glad Henrique is feeling great, with regards to what you said about his naughty behavior, if only you could imagine how much struggle I had with my son when he was Henrique's age, he absolutely refused to eat any veg or fruits, which resulted in having problems with 'everyday stools', due to that we had another problems, with immune system, which lead to frequently getting ill. OMG! I could go on and on :))) but I won't take your time sweetie, you are absolutely right, you have to show who is the boss, as my doctor said :) Have a good night my love! <333333

    1. Hello Zhanna darling, I can feel your pain... I was lucky because Henrique always ate his vegetables in the soup and also he loves fruit, but only if it's sweet. He also loves to drink plenty of water, which helps a lot with the immune system. His problem is being lazy when he has to chew, mainly with meat and fish (maybe he wants to go vegan?). If he's eating biscuits or cheese he has no problem chewing it, but meat and fish are a problem sometimes (he accumulates on the sides of the mouth like a little hamster and eventually spits it off). This doesn't happen every time, but when it happens I get upset with him because he needs his protein, and I think he does this only because he wants to be doing something else instead of taking the time to chew the food in his mouth.
      Have a wonderful day, my darling, many hugs and kisses to you! <3333333

    2. Happy Thursday my darling! You made me laugh as soon as I imagined little Henrique looking like a hamster with the food in his cheek, this is so funny :)))) sweetie, you won't believe it, I used to have the same problem with my son, he used to do exactly the same thing like Henrique, eventually spitting out :) you are right, of course he needs proteins to grow, I used to try this trick like showing my son some cartoon heroes like Ben10 or Spiderman and say if he wants to be as strong as them he needs to eat meat, but you know what, my mistake was that I had to slice meat into very tiny pieces for easy chewing, but as I was told I shouldn't have done that, but anyway, with years he learned to eat everything now :) SUCH A RELIEF!!! :))) Wish you a nice day my love! <333333333333

    3. Our pediatrician advised us to cut the meat into little pieces,... The fact is that Henrique was a little late to grow his teeth, and even now he's still missing most of the molars. Today he made another scene at breakfast... I believe he is testing how far he can go.
      Many hugs and kisses my friend, have a great Easter holiday! <33333333333

  8. Replies
    1. Obrigada Sónia, e como extra são bastante confortáveis!


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