
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Kiss the birthday girl (Self-made lip print dress) – Um beijo à aniversariante (vestido padrão de beijos feito por mim)

Hello dear friends and readers, this outfit was worn to commemorate my birthday (my birthday is on the 24th of April but we celebrated it on the 25th because it’s a national holiday in Portugal and it’s easier to assemble my family together rather than on a working day). I had planned to make this dress a few months ago when I found this neoprene lip print fabric at a local fabric store and when my birthday came up, I knew it was time to get it done. The dress took about four hours to complete (I sewed it like a storm), and I finished it just in time to dress up before the invitees got knocking on my door, lol! I haven’t written the sewing review on my sewing blog yet (I’m a little behind on reviewing my sewing creations, hope to catch up on that soon).The sewing review has been published already, click here.
Olá queridos amigos e leitores, o look que vos mostro hoje foi o que usei na comemoração do meu Aniversário (o meu dia de anos é o 24 de Abril mas comemorei no dia 25 porque é feriado nacional e torna-se mais fácil reunir a família). Já andava a planear fazer este vestido há meses, desde que descobri este tecido com padrão de beijos na Feira dos Tecidos e quando chegou o meu dia de anos, sabia que o tinha de ter pronto para a ocasião. Demorei cerca de 4 horas a fazê-lo, muito à pressa, e consegui terminá-lo mesmo a tempo de me vestir e arranjar para abrir a porta aos convidados que chegavam! Ainda não escrevi o artigo sobre a costura no meu outro blogue (estou um pouco atrasada e tenho outras peças feitas que queria mostrar primeiro). O artigo de costura já foi publicado, cliquem aqui.

The dress has a retro feel into it so I edited some of the photos into black & white:
O vestido tem um certo toque retro, e nesse espírito editei algumas fotos a preto & branco:

I first spotted the lip print trend on the Prada Resort 2012 collection (photos from this point on are courtesy of 
A primeira vez que me lembro de ver este padrão foi na coleção Resort 2012 da Prada (imagens a partir de agora são cortesia de

A few designers also used the lip print on their Spring 2014 collections: Yves Saint Laurent was one of them: 
Nesta primavera este padrão também foi usado por alguns designers, nomeadamente Yves Saint Laurent:


And Peter Jensen: 
E ainda Peter Jensen:
You all have fun and thanks for reading!
Divirtam-se e obrigada por visitarem!


  1. Happy belated birthday Tany and many happy returns. And BIG birthday kisses ;-) You are so clever, the dress is gorgeous. Four hours? Geez! You are a genius girl! You look fabulous!!

    1. Thank you Lenya! The dress was quick to make because this knit (neoprene) does't need any seam finishing; the hem and the neckline/armholes were left "raw". I only had to trace off the paper pattern, cut the fabric and stitch it all up! Many hugs to you, darling!

  2. Boy those designers really had fun with all sizes of lips. Love your kisses birthday dress Tany, hope you had a wonderful celebration!

    1. Thanks Faye! I had a blast, it was lots of fun! Hugs,

  3. Hello my dear and beautiful friend!!!

    Thank you so much for all you beautiful and very kind replies to my comments <3
    Tany, I am so glad for you and your family and relatives that you all had great time together, this is just fantastic!

    You look SO SO beautiful my darling, I absolutely loved the way you looked on your B'day, the dress is wonderful, beautifully made and styled!

    I also liked a lot the way you introduced your look in the post, I can see that lip print is so popular right now, also want to ask you if designed the dress yourself or you already had the ready patterns? As you said that you made it very fast, it proves again that you are a professional designer sweetie.

    Wish you nice Sunday, wonderful weather and lots of positive energy! I am very very happy to have a friend like you, I do wish though we lived closer geographically to be able to hang out together and be real friends, anyway, my sweetie, I love you greatly, lots of kisses and hugs my darling! See you very soon!! <3333333333333333


    1. Hello my darling, how are you today? I'm so glad you liked my dress, Zhanna! It's a little different from what I usually wear but I thought it would be the perfect dress for my Birthday party!
      I didn't draw the pattern from scratch, instead I used a BurdaStyle pattern with some alterations (do you know BurdaStyle magazine?). I will publish all the details on my sewing blog later, I still have a few other garments to review first (I'm so behind on EVERYTHING!)...
      Hope you and your lovely family are having a wonderful time this Sunday! Many hugs and kisses Zhanna, thank you so much for always supporting me!! <33333333

  4. Happy Birthday to you my dear friend!!!!!!! You look stunning!

  5. Olá, bom dia, você está maravilhosa, só tenho que te desejar tudo de MELHOR! amiga. Digo amiga porque apesar de você não saber foi minha mentora em costura a quatro anos atrás. E não houve um dia que eu não passasse por aqui pra aprender um pouquinho contigo. Sua amiga além mar..

    1. Muito obrigada Elisete! Adoro receber comentários como esse, pois o que me faz feliz é mesmo inspirar outros a costurar e a ser criativos! Você me fez muito feliz! Um beijo enorme!

  6. Beautiful beautiful, dear Theresa! You are amazing , so pretty dress!!!! I can't believe your age!!! I thought you 10 years less. Have a great weekend!!! Love your style!! Thanks so much your comments!!! Eszter

    1. Thanks a lot Eszter!!! I feel great in my age, and I think it shows!!! Many hugs my friend!

  7. amazing! stunning pics!!
    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
    Do you want to follow each other on instagram? I'm Chic Street Choc ! Thank uuu

  8. Parabéns e muitas felicidades!!!!!! Lindo o vestido, e como você está magrinha! Mais do que antes da gravidez.... Beijos.

    1. Obrigada Míriam! Emagreci muito sim, já não tinha esse peso há uns 8 ou 9 anos,... Sinto-me muito bem assim, o único "desgosto" é que algumas das roupas que fiz agora estão largas de mais para usar :(

  9. Happy Belated Birthday my darling friend Teresa, I hope you had the most wonderful and memorable day. I wish you world of happiness, health, luck and love in your year ahead, may all your hopes and dreams become a reality. I am utterly stunned and impressed by this dress, wow, your seeing skills are truly exceptional! The dress came out stunning, looks like it came straight off the boutique rack, beautifully done and the styling is superb.

    1. Thank you so much Sam! I'm very happy that you like the dress, since we discussed it a few weeks ago and you were so enthusiastic about the concept! Again, I really appreciate your support my dear friend! Hugs!

  10. Ficou-te super bem! Estavas linda!



  11. Happy Belated Birthday! Great looking birthday dress.

  12. Happy belated birthday Tany! You look amazing!


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