
Monday, March 31, 2014

Pinstripe overload – Overdose de risca-de-giz

Hello dear readers and friends, sorry for my absence lately,… I feel like the universe is conspiring against my blogging activity lately: not only a few personal issues have been getting in the way, the weather has been awful with rain showers and wind, which made me give up any attempt of taking decent outfit photos. 

Today I felt like wearing my pinstripe suit (keep imagining Barney from “How I met your Mother” shouting “suit up”!) and for a pinstripe on pinstripe corporate look I picked up this overcoat that I bought on eBay a few weeks ago. The entire outfit is very dark blue and I didn’t have the time to experiment with my camera’s aperture so these photos were the best I could do in a couple of minute’s time before leaving home, just so you know I’m still alive! Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead! 
Olá queridos Amigos e leitores, desculpem a minha ausência nos últimos dias… A verdade é que parece que o Universo conspira contra a minha atividade de blogger; não só algumas questões pessoais me têm ocupado mais do que esperava, o tempo também não tem ajudado, pois é difícil tirar fotos com vento e chuva. Hoje apeteceu-me usar o meu fato risca-de-giz (não consigo parar de imaginar o Barney da série “How I met Your Mother” a gritar “suit up”!) e para acentuar mais o look corporativo, usei este sobretudo estilo masculino que comprei no eBay há umas semanas. O conjunto é muito escuro (azul-noite) e como as fotos foram tiradas à pressa, não tive tempo de ajustar a máquina para a melhor exposição, estas fotos foram o melhor que se pode arranjar, só para dizer que ainda estou viva! Tenham uma ótima semana!


  1. Hi, my dear! I missed you!! This is a super elegant look, I feel the bad weather feeling on you because of the dark color, but you are so pretty! We have a spring-summer weather here (20-21 C ), this is not normal, but I love it.
    Have a lovely week! Kisses

    1. Thank you so much dear Eszter!! I wish I could be there with you, enjoying the spring weather!! Here I'm only getting rain, cold and wind :(

  2. Hello Tany!!!You look very elegant!!!!Your costume perfectly matched!!!Beautiful as always!!!!Good luck!!!!

  3. Hello, my dear darling! I am so happy to see you back on track and hope you are doing fine sweetie, and all the issues are sorted in the best way possible. Such a great pinstripe ensemble, absolutely perfect, especially I love the pants style, reminded me of Karl Lagerfeld's style - leg hugging but not too tight, I have two pairs of pants that look the same way when I put them on. I also liked your booties, very nice!

    I need to let you know my dear friend, that I am not able at the moment to attend to my blog and read my friends' blogs as we are relocating to Dublin this week as my husband has got a new job, so at the moment we are very busy with packing and sorting things out. Tomorrow we are going to Dublin to look for a place to rent and will spend there two days, hopefully we will find something nice. I am excited and sad at the same time, sad because we have lived in Cork for two years which are full of wonderful memories and times that we spent with our friends and their kids :(. But I hope everything will work out for us in Dublin.

    Wish you a nice week my darling, lots of love, kisses and biggest hugs from a very good friends of yours <333333333333


    1. Hello my dearest friend!! I didn't know you were relocating and I know from experience that it can be hard, specially when leaving good friends behind,... But it can also be exciting and new and I'm hoping you'll like your new place in Dublin! I'll be expecting to hear good news from you soon! Everything will be fine, you'll see!!
      Here I'm still under some pressure and also with very limited time for blogging... I'm also experiencing some changes in my professional life, nothing too drastic but a change is a change and always causes some "turbulence". Many hugs and kisses my darling, wishing you the very best!!! <333333333333

  4. Uhhh que elegância!
    Adoro, fica-te super bem <3
    Estás linda!!!

    Boa semana minha querida =)

    Beijinho grande,
    Vanessa Ribeiro

    1. Obrigada Vanessa! às vezes dá-me para isto, eheh! Beijinhos!!

  5. Very business like! Navy seems to be making a come back.

    1. Thank you so much Vicki! Yes, I'm seeing a lot of navy, and I'm loving it! It's a good alternative to black IMO.

  6. Super nice outfit
    Very cool pics too
    good made :)


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