
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mixing prints again: Florals – De novo a misturar padrões: floridos desta vez

Shifting to the opposite end of fashion spectrum, today I bring you a colorful and joyful look mixing floral prints and cobalt blue. The skirt’s fabric that I’m wearing is some kind of neoprene alike, and I’ve been stocking up with this type of fabric for my spring sewing projects. I even found a neoprene-like red lip printed fabric, a print that you’ll be seeing a lot for spring. I plan on making a flared dress out of it but I have yet to go through my inspiration folder in search of the perfect model/pattern for it. Have a wonderful day, everybody! 
Mudando para o oposto no espectro da moda, desta vez apresento-vos um conjunto colorido e alegre, misturando padrões florais e azul-cobalto. A saia que estou a usar é feita de um tecido tipo neopreno; tenho comprado alguns tecidos deste tipo já a pensar nas costuras para a Primavera. Até encontrei este tecido em preto impresso com lábios vermelhos, uma tendência que vão ver bastante nesta Primavera. Estou a pensar fazer um vestido rodado com ele, mas ainda não me decidi quanto ao modelo,… Tenham todos um ótimo dia!


  1. Aqui no brasil está muito a usar esses padrões!! ficou maravilhosa!!!

  2. I think you've done a fantastic job. I love the mixed floral prints. Simply perfect! Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.

    1. Thanks a lot Lenya!!! I will follow back if you follow me :)

  3. Hello, my dear Teresa! wow, you look soooo beautiful in this outfit, very lady like and elegant! Love it!
    This is so awesome that you can sew, you can create something what you want and like, I would love to learn this skill as well, that would be dream come true honestly.
    I can't wait when it is warm enough and no rain here to be able to start posting my looks finally. I recently bought a T shirt in daisy print very similar to yours, can't wait to take pics with it.
    Fantastic styling Teresa!
    love you loads, kisses and hugs! <333333

    1. Thank you so much my adorable friend!! I'm also sick of rain and cold weather, I'm hoping for more sunny/warm days in the near future!!
      I'm so behind on replying to comments, it hasn't been easy to find the time...
      Hugs and kisses, lots of <3

  4. Your skirt print is fantastic! I never thought for mixing flower prints clothes, but you have so great style and fashion ideas! Thank you! Love your lovely shoes too, and the sunny pics are nice! Kisses

    1. Thanks a lot Eszter! The shoes, in spite of being almost flat, are not that comfortable; they hurt my feet a little if I have to walk on them for a long time... I only found out about this after wearing them for some time :(.
      Big hugs!

  5. Overcool pics :)
    Nice outfit too <3

  6. Hi dear, I am so glad that I could make you smile with the post, i know exactly what you mean about those days, better to just shut off and try to ignore the rest of the world around you. I am so inspired by your beautiful combination of florals. The print mix is excellent and love elegant blue blazer with it. Your thoughts mean very much to me, thanks for stopping by.

    1. Hi Sam, thank you for always having a nice word to say about my outfits!!
      Many hugs!

  7. Ola menina bonita! Adorei este mix & match, ficou muito bem conseguido.Essa saia e LINDA e com esse jacket ficou o maximo!
    Estas lindissima!
    beijos, Vanda

    1. Ahhhh, olá Vanda!!! Obrigada!! Beijinhos!

  8. Engraçado, nunca me passaria pela ideia juntar estes estampados, mas não é que fica bem?



    1. Pois, só eu para ter estas ideias!! Beijinhos e obrigada!!


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