
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Denin on denim and fringed boots – Ganga com ganga e botas com franjas

On a totally different note compared with my last outfit, today’s look is more casual and relaxed, and also a good transition to spring. The denim jacket is several years old, bought in S. Paulo, Brazil during one of my business trips there. In fact the only relatively new garment in this outfit is the denim shirt. You all enjoy your day and thank you for visiting! 
O conjunto de hoje não podia distanciar-se mais do estilo do look de ontem; é mais casual e também é um ótimo visual a adotar na transição para a Primavera. A jaqueta de ganga que estou a usar foi comprada há alguns anos em S. Paulo, Brasil numa das minhas últimas viagens em trabalho. De facto, a única peça relativamente recente que estou a usar é a camisa de ganga. Espero que disfrutem bem do vosso dia e muito obrigada por visitarem!

All pics by me
Todas as fotos tiradas por mim


  1. Your take on double denim is very chic, I like the criss-cross detailing on the jacket and those boots are wonderful, terrific and versatile shade and the fringing is so trendy. It was great hearing your opinion on my last post. I can't stand that entire hideous collection either, its a mockery of fashion!

    1. Thank you Sam!! I love this jacket, I've own it for about 7 years and I still wear it often! Many hugs!

  2. Hello my darling! how are you? You look very cool and sexy Teresa! I love the way how jeans beautifully fit your figure, really nice. I do like your boots a lot, because they are slouch type of and with the jeans tucked in they together look fantastic! I strongly feel I have to point it out in a separate sentence, you have gorgeous figure darling! Thank you for all your lovely comments that you leave on my blog, love your loads Teresa <33333333
    kisses and hugs!!! Zhanna

    1. Thank you so much darling!! You're too kind!! During my pregnancy I gained a lot of weight (18Kg!) it wasn't easy but I managed to loose all the weight and some more... I am now thinner than before, I guess.
      Lots of kisses and hugs, my sweet friend!

    2. Me again sweetie :) we share the same story on post-birth path, I also put on a lot of weight during and after pregnancy 27 kg, and because I was breastfeeding for 2 years, I used to eat a lot, and it took me about two years to come back to my previous size, but still there is some kgs to lose :)
      love, kisses and hugs!!! <3333 Zhanna

  3. Love how you've styled double denim!!! Great blog


  4. Adoro denim com denim, e essas franjas fazem o look ainda mais perfeito <3
    Estás linda minha querida!

    Beijinho grande,
    Vanessa Ribeiro

  5. great outfit, love that denim look!
    happy day!

  6. Linda, linda como sempre! Adoro estes conjuntos mais casuais!




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