
Monday, February 10, 2014

Pink and ivory after the storm – Depois da tempestade, cor-de-rosa e marfim

We had stormy weather during the night: low temperatures, strong wind and heavy rain; it was so loud that I had trouble seeping through the night… My son, on the other hand, seems immune to the loud noise and slept “like a baby” :). So today I felt in the mood for cozy and warm, adding up some color to brighten up my sleep deprived self. I was lucky to catch the sun peeking out as I took these pictures; I think they came out really great. How was your weekend? I stayed in and was able to sew a little something! You all have a wonderful day! 


Hoje durante a noite tivemos tempestade: baixas temperaturas, ventos fortíssimos e chuva forte, o barulho era tanto que pouco dormi. Ainda bem que o meu filho parece imune ao barulho, dormiu “como um bebé”! Então hoje levantei-me com vontade de vestir roupas quentinhas e confortáveis, e usar uma cor viva para abrilhantar o dia e combater o ar cansado. Tive sorte de apanhar uma aberta de sol enquanto tirava estas fotos, acho que saíram mesmo bem. Se morarem ao longo da costa de Portugal, tenham atenção pois parece que o tempo tempestuoso regressa hoje à noite… E como foi o vosso fim-de-semana? Nós não saímos e tive oportunidade de costurar um bocado! Tenham todos um ótimo dia!

All pictures taken by me

Todas as fotos tiradas por mim


  1. Awesome pics
    And super nice outfit

  2. Very nice colors! In the sunshine the pink coat is more beautiful. My younger boy is sick, so we couldn't sleep, because he caughed all night, like a "storm"...Have a great day! Kisses

    1. Thank you Eszter! I had that same "kind of stom" last week, I know exatly what you wnt through.... Kisses!

  3. Eu também sou imune ás tempestadas, ou isso ou o cansaço é demais... Adoro o teu conjunto, parece que estarás mais quentinha do que eu hoje! Prepara-te para hoje...



    1. Que inveja, adorava conseguir dormir assim,... Infelizmente tenho o sono muito leve... Beijinhos!

  4. Your pink coat is gorgeous, love the pretty sweater with it.Have a great week ahead dear!

  5. So glad that you and your family made it safely through what I call the thunder boomer. Silly me, I tend to think that Georgia is the only places that gets them - the kind that shakes the window panes. Of course you know that I think your coat is beautiful. I promise myself if I ever find some pastel pink wool (I know it exists somewhere) that I will definitely make me a coat out of it. That is as long as it's not a loose weave fabric like the one I'm working on right now. Any who, you look great as always!

    1. I confess to being afraid that the wind would blow apart one of our big window glasses upstairs on the terrace...
      I wasn't able to find such fabric myself, that's one of the reasons I bought this coat... I just love it and pink is such a great color for a statement coat!
      I'm sure you'll overcome your difficulties with the fabric and will produce a marvelous coat!

  6. adorooo o teu casacoo

    beijinhos querida,
    ps. espero que tenhas gostado do meu blog
    Chic Diary

    1. Claro que adorei o teu blogue, vou visitar-te sempre que possa! Beijinhos!


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